Cotter Advice

Am I paying too much for life insurances?

What’s the purpose of insurance

  • To protect financial expectations for yourself and your family.

Do insurance companies pay out

  • It’s a common thought that insurance companies don’t pay, but they pay 100% of legitimate and defined claims.
  • It helps to have a qualified adviser on your side when making a claim or making the most of a claim.

What are the types of Personal Insurances worth considering

  • Life insurance – if you die or are terminally ill you can have insurance that will repay debts and provide something for your family.
  • Total Permanent Disability – unfortunately you may be unable to live your life due to a major life changing disease or accident. This cover is designed allow you to adjust your lifestyle for the new circumstances.
  • Income Protection – an amount of cover that will provide some income to you when you can’t work for medical reasons.
  • Trauma cover – for those big medical events like cancer, heart attack, stroke etc

What about health insurance

  • This cover is sharing the costs of medical events across many people. It allows you to cushion the costs of medical events you need to address and allows you an amount of discretion on when and who might perform elective procedures.

Am I paying too much

  • As you age your needs change
    • You get closer to retirement
    • Your accumulated retirement capital grows
    • Your children grow up
    • And your cover gets more expensive
  • Other changes that might be needed
    • Are you still a smoker?
    • Can terms and conditions change to save you money?
    • Can an alternative supplier provide the same service more cheaply?

Contact Cotter Advice

    Key Associate: Asher Cotter
    Business Phone: 02 4346 4400
    Address: Level 1, Unit 4, 25 Anzac Road, TUGGERAH NSW 2259

    Cotter Advice Pty Ltd is a joint venture between Asher Cotter’s nominee and HNW Group Holdings Pty Ltd to own business goodwill. The shareholding for Cotter Advice Pty Ltd is Asher Cotter’s nominee (49%) and HNW Group Holdings Pty Ltd (51%). Regulated activity is provided by advisers sub-authorised by Life’s Nett Pty Ltd (ASIC 1293632). Life’s Nett Pty Ltd is a corporate representative of HNW Planning Pty Ltd (AFSL and ACL 225216). Revenue sourced from Cotter Advice Pty Ltd’s goodwill, net of fees paid to HNW Planning for its licensing services, is paid to Cotter Advice Pty Ltd. Cotter Advice Pty Ltd then meets operational costs including support staff, rent, and associate remuneration. If there are distributable profits, such profits may be retained and re-invested in the business, or alternatively dividends may be paid to shareholders.