Our Frequently Asked Questions

It can be a confronting time for families when faced with the need to place a loved one in Aged Care. It’s an emotional time and it can be challenging dealing with the financial needs that must be taken care of also.

You might have questions like:

  • Why do we have to pay an Accommodation Bond?
  • What’s the difference between an extra services and a non-extra services place?
  • What sort of fees will I be paying?
  • What have Centrelink or Department of Veterans’ Affairs got to do with Aged Care?

We have advisers who specialise in this area, so are well versed in the intricacies and complexities of Aged Care.

Remember, Aged Care providers aren’t licensed to provide advice to better your situation and reduce fees. You should ask yourself who’s interest they’re looking after if they do provide advice.
Our advisors can take the hassle out of the seemingly confusing maze of Aged Care placement. The best part of working with one of our advisers is that they will use strategies to assist you to reduce the ongoing cost of permanent care, thereby preserving family capital and decreasing the likelihood of having to top up the costs of care from your own pocket.

Our Advisors can provide strategic advice on residential loans, investment and commercial loans to assist you in paying out debt sooner while meeting your living requirements day to day.

We can shortlist the loans, terms and conditions that will complement your financial and accounting plans.

Life’s Nett are also able to organise credit for you because we hold an Australian Credit License (number 225216). Several of our financial advisors are Mortgage Brokers (credit representatives) also.

The purpose of Estate Planning is valuable in your life. If your Estate Plan is setup correctly, it will protect your assets, minimise tax, provide adequate contingency and in the event of passing, it will ensure your objectives are met for the division of your assets.

The use of superannuation, family trusts (restricted and discretionary) and insurances are vital for estate planning. Co-ordination of financial planning advice with legal and accounting advice, use of testamentary trusts, and other ‘death event’ specific strategies is crucial to setup your Estate Plan correctly. We can assist you here.

Elements that our advisors consider with working with you on your Estate Plan include:

  • Integrating Self-Managed Superannuation Funds
  • Asset protection
  • Personal risk management & insurance
  • Tax effective transfer of assets
  • Tax minimisation strategies

The use of superannuation, family trusts (restricted and discretionary) and insurances are vital for estate planning. Co-ordination of financial planning advice with legal and accounting advice, use of testamentary trusts, and other ‘death event’ specific strategies is crucial to:

Our Credit Representatives can compare, apply, and manage car, machinery and equipment leases and hire purchases. Life’s Nett is an Australian Credit Licensee.
As your priorities evolve with time, so do the opportunities for Life’s Nett Advisers to assist you. Our objective is to help you accumulate, protect, and finally transfer wealth to the next generation.

We anticipate that optimal results will come from:

  • Our consideration of your individual needs
  • Our innovative approach to financial planning
  • Your trust in our integrity
  • Open and effective communication
  • Empowering you to make better decisions
  • Your understanding of advice given & action taken

Life’s Nett Advisers will help develop your net worth through financial planning opportunities that will focus on strategies and tools including:

  • Technical aspects of and use of superannuation
  • Personal insurances
  • Acceleration of repayment of personal debt
  • Use of protected (capital guaranteed) investments
  • Use of gearing
  • Targeting particular types of return
  • Ethical overlays
  • Timing
  • Isolating key issues requiring specific Tax Advice
  • Isolating key issues requiring specific mortgage planning or in-depth knowledge of debt products and services

Many Life’s Nett Advisers have skill sets in other specialised areas including:

  • Tax
  • Finance (Mortgages)
  • Law (Legal services)
  • Estate Planning
  • Complex investment theory
  • Economics
  • Actuarial studies

In addition, we have various multilingual Advisors if required.

Life’s Nett look at long term expectations. Our Advisers recognise that results from investment decisions have to be seen both in terms of the dollar value and the suitability of the returns.

This suitability of returns may be that returns are as capital gains or as income, with or without volatility.

Suitability might also consider the consequential risk of any investment (that is, if something does go wrong, what might be the flow-on effects to your given circumstances).

Targeted results will come largely from the strategic allocation between investment sectors (Australian shares, international shares, property, fixed interest, etc).

Life’s Nett Advisers are not tactical sector allocators; we do not advise you on how to make short term bets on which sector will outperform another. Rather, we advise on a diversified and appropriate long term target allocation that might vary strategically over time and in line with long term forecasts and comparative opportunities.

We define ourselves as ‘medium to long term strategic sector re-allocators’. 

Market returns can be compressed into three elements: income; growth in income; and, the effect of changing valuation ratios. Life’s Nett look at long-term expectations of market drivers and expects reversions to the long term means or trends of the key indicators. Such key indicators include

  • Price to Earnings Ratios,
  • Earnings per Share,
  • Corporate Profits as Share of GDP,
  • Price Earnings of Australian Shares compared to International Shares, etc.

We also believe that, where possible and to save transaction costs, changes over time in the strategic allocation of capital to investment sectors should generally be made with new capital or from the earnings from existing investments in preference to selling one investment to buy another.

  • Direct shares, installment & endowment warrants
  • Managed funds
  • Separately Managed Accounts
  • Investment property strategies
  • Master trust & wrap investments
  • Virtual wrap technologies
  • Margin lending strategies
  • Protected equity strategies
  • Mortgage reduction & wealth creation
  • Regular savings & investment
  • Capital protected structures

Ethical Investing 

  • Exclusion of targeted industries or companies
  • Inclusion & support of specific industries.
  • Incorporating your views on environmental, social, ethical and governance issues
  • Negatively screen for, or positively include specific investments

Life’s Nett can consider your views on environmental, social, ethical and governance issues. It is possible to negatively screen for, or positively include specific investments or types of investments to focus your capital to support a particular purpose.

  • You could have a chat with someone who works with home loans, lenders, borrowers, interest rates and property transactions every single day. Someone who knows that all of those ingredients are different, not an average, and that there might just be only one or two of those thousands of loan products out there that are indeed – The Best Home Loan For You.Life’s Nett is an Australian Credit Licensee. Our credit representatives can compare, apply for, and manage residential, investment and commercial loans with an extensive range of suppliers.With every lender promising the best deals and thousands of loan products out there to choose from, it’s a daunting task for the prospective homebuyer to distinguish a truly great loan from one that simply has a good advertising campaign.If you are in the market for the best home loan for yourself, you could do one of the following:
  • You could ask 10,000 home loan borrowers who they rate as the best lender out there, as the Australian Home Loan Awards did recently – you will be surprised at the award winner, because you probably have never heard of them. But then maybe you are getting the average opinion of 10,000 people and maybe your circumstances are different to the average?


  • You could web-search ‘best home loan in Australia’ and fight your way through at least six loan comparison sites that will come up on page one of your search results. You might also want to search for ‘ACCC cracks down on comparison sites’ at the same time – that might make better reading!

Click here to agree to the website terms of use and have a chat with your local Home Loan Dealer now

Life insurances can cover:

  • Death
  • Total and Permanent Disability
  • Trauma
  • Income Protection
  • Business Expenses

Personal Insurances are designed to protect your two most valuable assets: yourself and your income.

Life’s Nett acts as a broker when placing personal insurances. Our responsibility is to work for you, our client.

Personal insurances involve the payment of a premium so that a separate party might assume, at a cost of that premium paid, risk that for you might be too large to comfortably carry. Insurances protect your lifestyle and family as well as your business and investment initiatives. The motivation and types of insurance will be influenced by your family’s life cycle, business, and career life cycles, and by attitude toward risk, including your perception of the relative importance of negating risks where possible.

Life’s Nett can provide practical options to protect your two most valuable assets: yourself and your income.

Life’s Nett financial advisers may provide Strategic Property Advice. Our more experienced and trained Advisors can provide Specific Property Advice.

Strategic Advice might include:

  • Sector allocation / risk management analysis / investment strategy advice
  • Understanding negative/neutral/positive gearing
  • Understanding the changing real value of money and debt over time
  • Providing generic cash flows for a typical “generic” investment property purchase or consequence of a sale
  • Insurance needs that may alter along with debt commitments
  • Alternative asset and strategy options
  • ‘What if’ scenarios of changing interest rates and/or rents
  • Strategies to pay back debt
  • Differing management preferences of personal as opposed to investment debt
  • Tax efficiency of debt and investment structures
  • Things to watch out for in making a purchase, contracting management, or making a sale or purchase.
  • How Much Is Enough-style analysis in figuring savings requirements to meet shortfalls, and
  • Timing of and the use of superannuation in one way or other for any of the above (including setting up a SMSF).
  • Other items such as:
  • Who can and can’t occupy the investment,
  • The need for ‘arm’s length’ leasing arrangements,
  • Stamp duty issues,
  • ATO guidance regarding restrictions on asset improvement, and
  • Issues in and around pension strategies.
  • Complications or considerations for estate planning,
  • Whether an SMSF might be used and associated costs, suitability, risks and controls; and
  • Unwinding / exit strategies

Specific Advice might include:

  • Cash flows, costs, suitability of a particular identified property.
  • How a particular property’s characteristics might align or conflict with other financial planning requirements and priorities.
  • Identifying a particular property for investment.
  • A strategy for first home buyers.

A strategy for the property of an aged person now (or likely to be) domiciled in high care.

  • Investment of superannuation
  • Re-contribution & other ‘tax control’ strategies
  • Self-Funded Income Streams
  • Consolidation and transfers
  • Pension and allowances planning
  • Retirement savings products
  • Redundancy planning
  • Small business concessions
  • Super splitting
  • Assistance with Centrelink correspondences
  • Transition to Retirement strategies
  • Business succession planning
A Self-Managed Superannuation Fund (SMSF) can act as a ‘tax effective’ vehicle for both family wealth protection and for inter-generational wealth transfer.

Life’s Nett Self-Managed Superannuation Fund Services include:

  • New SMSF, Corporate Trustee and Bare Trust establishment
  • Annual administration service
  • Internet-based reporting and ‘anytime’ access to information
  • Maintenance and updating of Trust Deeds
  • Maintenance of Permanent File
  • Appropriate investment advice and maintenance of formal Investment Strategies
  • Integration with Estate Planning
  • Preparation of annual returns using specialised SMSF software
  • Co-ordination of expert tax and audit services
  • Transition to retirement and pension calculations
  • Co-ordination of administration with Life’s Nett Advisers and their expert investment and financial planning services
  • Co-ordination of administration with Life’s Nett Advisers and their pre-retirement and tax control strategies
  • Other statutory requirements

Several of our Life’s Nett Advisors have been accredited as SMSF Specialist Advisers by the Self-Managed Super Fund Professionals Association of Australia.

The use of superannuation, particularly Self-Managed Superannuation, family trusts (restricted and discretionary), and insurances are vital for estate planning. It’s the only form of perpetual trust available in Australia.

Life’s Nett seeks to tie in your superannuation and other estate planning requirements with your insurances, business and personal life cycle, and your preference for a suitable balance between ‘tax effective’ outcomes and the need for control of outcomes.

Our Superannuation services include: 

  • Consolidating multiple Superannuation Funds
  • Investments within superannuation
  • Minimising superannuation fees
  • Insurance within superannuation