Clients We Have Helped

“When we chose to retire, we never imagined life could be this good”. We live in a beautiful cottage and can travel any time we want, without worrying about money. Our future has never been brighter!

After working for 40 years, Jodie and Dave felt it was time to plan their exit from the drudgery of their jobs. This adventurous couple loved to travel and had planned a trip around the world after retirement. But, before they went on their trip, they wanted to set up their finances to be able to sustain them for the rest of their retirement.

Jodie is in her early fifties while Dave is in his mid-sixties. They are hard workers and love to enjoy life. According to them, people should work to live, not the other way around. They say all their hard work over the years has been so they can afford to live the life of their dreams.

Jodie has worked in finance all her life. She started out as an accountant at a local bank in her hometown, Hobart, and later ended up in public service. On the other hand, Dave has worked as a doctor for the last 35 years.

The two while vacationing in Peru, and they hit it off immediately. Dave was pleasantly surprised to realise that he lived not far from where Jodie worked. He and Jodie reconnected when they returned to Australia and married in six months. They have been married for 33 years and have two children and three grandchildren.

Jodie and Dave have had different financial advisers over the years but were looking for an adviser they could rely on to actively walk with them on their journey to financial independence upon retirement. A recommendation from a friend led them to Life’s Nett.

That was in 2019, and three years down the line, Jodie and Dave say choosing Life’s Net is the best decision they have ever made. When they came to us, they wanted to retire in five years. Currently, both are retired and have visited three destinations on their world travel list so far.

You may wonder how we managed to help Jodie and Dave retire earlier than planned. Simple. We created a plan that helped them maximise their financial capacity and assigned a financial adviser that could help them get where they wanted sooner.

Jodie says, “our financial adviser is the best. She is an excellent listener and is always willing to address our concerns. We have never worried about her commitment to us”. Dave agrees with Jodie’s sentiments and says he and his wife are living the life of their dreams thanks to their financial adviser.

Because Jodie and Dave planned on spending most of their time travelling and visiting their children and grandchildren in their spare time, we advised them to sell their large family home and buy a smaller one that could accommodate both of them.

This move helped them cut home maintenance costs. Their property fetched a good price in the property market, and their financial adviser guided them to invest part of their profit into a passive income source while they put the rest into their superannuation savings and pension fund. The couple now has a steady income they receive every month.

Dave says, “when we chose to retire, we never imagined life could be this good”. We live in a beautiful cottage and can travel any time we want, without worrying about money. Our future has never been brighter!”

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Anne is a 32-year-old preschool teacher. She is a mother of one, a six-year-old she loves dearly, and is married to John, who is studying to be a nurse. Anne lost her mother to ovarian cancer when she was in high school. Coping with the loss of her mother at 16 was not easy for Anne, and after her mother’s death, she feared hospitals and would only go to the hospital when it was unavoidable.

In April 2021, Anne’s doctor diagnosed her with stage II ovarian cancer. This was after she went to the hospital after months of experiencing abdominal pain. She says her diagnosis was the wake-up call she needed.

Anne had little savings and spent most of her income at the time, and her cancer treatment worsened her financial situation. She and her husband, John, planned on buying a family home and starting a college fund for their daughter. But Anne was starting to fear that her treatment would rob them of the chance to achieve these plans.

During that time, Anne decided to take charge of her finances. A friend recommended Life’s Nett to Anne during her search for a financial adviser. She got in touch with us and chatted with us about her health issue, financial challenges, her fear of dying young like her mother, and her love for her family.

Anne had to go for surgery to get her tumour removed, and her recovery after surgery kept her out of work for six weeks. Afterwards, she had to go for chemo. Anne’s treatment has been brutal, and some days, she can barely make it to work. But she is much more relaxed after coming to us.

Annie’s financial adviser connected her with several charities that offer financial support to cancer patients, and one organisation offered her financial support. The support she gets has eased the financial burden caused by her treatments.

Anne’s doctor says she has one more round of chemo left to complete her treatment, and she couldn’t be happier. She says, “before meeting my financial adviser, I had so many worries about the future that it affected my recovery. But my financial adviser sat me down and gave me solutions that have worked well so far. He handled all the paperwork required by charities I was seeking funding from and advocated for me when I was too weak to speak for myself.”

Even after her treatment ends, Anne plans to continue working with her financial adviser to pursue her financial goals. “Acquiring Life’s Nett’s services changed my life. I am now more confident that my husband and I can provide our daughter with the life we dream of giving her.” The couple has already started a college fund for their daughter and plans to start looking at family houses in two years.

“Acquiring Life’s Nett’s services changed my life. I am now more confident that my husband and I can provide our daughter with the life we dream of giving her

Speak with one of our Financial Advisers and get your questions answered

“I feel hopeful and am happier knowing I won’t be stuck in my 9 to 5 job for the rest of my life. Thanks to my financial adviser, I now wake up with a sense of purpose, knowing that I am working towards achieving my dream.

When Don met our financial adviser, he had worked as a public servant for 10 years and planned to quit his job. Don never wanted to work in public service for this long. Don loves cooking and has always wanted to start a restaurant. But, four years after he and his wife Lizzie got married, they had a baby with congenital heart disease.

The costs of catering to their daughter Paisley took a toll on this young family’s finances. A large percentage of Don’s income went into his daughter’s medical treatment and ongoing care, and their debts kept racking up. His wife, Lizzie, is a veterinarian, but their combined income still fell short in catering to the high medical bills.

During this time, Don’s dream had to take a backseat as he tried to pay his daughter’s medical bills. But, in 2017, Don got a promotion that increased his income significantly. He just managed to pay off most of his debts and needed help planning his exit from employment.

Don was concerned that without a plan, his family might suffer as he waited for his restaurant to break even and eventually become profitable. He also needed to put a significant amount of money into his restaurant.

When we introduced Don to his financial adviser, they hit it off immediately, and that was the beginning of a highly productive working relationship. Don says, “my financial adviser is an invaluable asset. Because of him, I am on track to achieving a dream I have had for a very long time, and I am confident that my daughter’s medical needs will be catered to no matter what happens. “

Don’s financial adviser structured his income so that some went into an emergency fund, some to a high-yield investment account, and some to his superannuation. That way, he is more confident that his family’s future is secured.

His adviser is also helping him to explore financing options for his restaurant. Meanwhile, his adviser has given him tasks he can undertake to improve his credit score so that when the time comes for him to borrow money for his restaurant business, he won’t have difficulty securing the funding he needs.

With his adviser’s help, Don came up with a financial target that would help him to quit his job and start working towards opening his restaurant. Don is keen on achieving this target, and if he continues on the same trajectory, he is set to quit his job by 2025 and become a restauranter.

“I feel hopeful and am happier knowing I won’t be stuck in my 9 to 5 job for the rest of my life. Thanks to my financial adviser, I now wake up with a sense of purpose, knowing that I am working towards achieving my dream. The future I have always wanted has never felt as tangible as it does now.”